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a movement
righteous sons

We are followers of Jesus, whose heart is to see sons & daughters awakened by truth and intimacy, knowing their identity in Christ, and responding to the call of discipling nations. We envision a generation rising up to be as bold as lions, equipped and sent out to bring heaven to earth, declaring the gospel of the kingdom with signs, wonders and miracles following. ​We believe that God is doing a new thing right now in the earth, with revival fire being fanned into flame bringing transformation and reformation to His church and every area of society.


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Become Love    Speak Truth    Demonstrate Power

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Prayer . Spirit . Word
Front Office
Temperance Hall.
Every Tribe & Tongue
View Street, Bendigo
Temperance Hall.
Discipleship &
Intentional Community
Homes, Cafes, Parks, etc.
Tuesday 7:00pm-8:30pm
Sunday 11am
Weekday & Weekends
Weekly &Fortnightly

12 core messages

Equipping the Saints
for the work of the ministry

1. Raising Righteous Sons of God (every Believer a King, Priest, and Friend) & Covenant with a Good Father.


2. The Gospel of the Kingdom (Heaven on Earth).


3. Hosting His Presence, the manifestation of His Glory, the Seven Spirits of God, the Angelic Realm, a Supernatural Lifestyle, Discernment, Power, and Authority.


4. Fivefold Ministry, Plurality of Elders and Servant Leadership.


5. Culture of Family, Love, Faith, Generosity, Purity, Favour, Vulnerability, Freedom, Submission, Preferring One Another, Peace, Joy, Wisdom, Self-Control, Obedience, Humility, Godly Stewardship, Mission, and Honour.


6. Full Response to the Simple Gospel (Repentance, Baptism, New Creation, Infilling of the Holy Spirit, and the Anointing).


7. Discipleship (Multiplication and the Inheritance of Nations).


8. The Secret Place and the Fear of the Lord (Fasting, Worship, Thanksgiving, Praise, Holiness, and Intimacy).


9. Oikos & the Ekklesia.


10. Mighty in the Word (Truth), Prayer, a Renewed Mind, and a Transformed Life.


11. Fulfilment of Personal Destiny, Unique Calling, Mantles, and Lasting Fruit.


12. Dreams, their Interpretation, and Prophecy.

"a teachable spirit, a mouldable heart, a laid down life, & a willingness to go"

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